General status codes returned by BALTECH readers
BRP status | BRP Library Error Code | Mnemonic | Description |
0x00 | N/A | OK | Command successfully executed. |
0x40 | N/A | CmdWork | Command is still running. Occurs only if executed in continuous or repeat mode. |
0x41 | N/A | ErrInvalidCmd | Command code or parameters are invalid (e.g. invalid content, too short, or too long). |
0x42 | N/A | ErrAccessDenied | The application isn't authorized to send the command. |
0x81 | N/A | ErrTimeout | Reader ran into timeout when receiving the command frame. |
0x82 | N/A | ErrFrame | Reader received an invalid command frame. |
0x83 | N/A | ErrResponseTooLong |
The response frame is longer that the supported maximum frame length. All firmware versions support a minimum length of 128 byte for command and response frames combined. If you need more, please run Sys.GetBufferSize to check the maximum frame length supported by your reader's firmware version. |
0x84 | N/A | ErrChecksum | Reader received a command frame with an invalid checksum. |